The difference between the storyteller and the poet

The Poet is an uncommon creature, they are the course for lost Souls, overlooked Souls, and Souls that had incomplete business here on Earth
"Verse is the Reflection of a Long-Forgotten Soul" by Ven Bunce
Numerous individuals think the verse is simply plunking down and putting stories-to-rhyme, and sometimes that might be in this way, yet verse is considerably more than that. The verse is the out-pouring of a Soul that has ignored to the 'opposite side', has seen reality, the concealed certainties about this experience here on earth, for Humans specifically, and requirements to Warn us or Advise us about our present and our future
A Poet 'dislike' verse or artists, and dislike writing specifically. (despite the fact that obviously nowadays we likewise have computerized sound and video to help). So how does a Poet become a Poet
To begin with, a writer will consistently have an enquiring mind, a psyche that is continually searching for the reality behind all that they see and hear. They as a general rule have a 'positive' air which creates the 'vitality' that the Lost Souls can relate to, or probably they would scan capriciously for the correct personalities to use as their course. A Lucky Dip would not be a decent result
So how do these Souls enter the psyches of a likely artist? It very well may be through happenstance, a wrecked dream, dream, or essentially plunking down Doodling with a pen/pencil and paper (The favored way). Attempt it, sit and doodle, compose whatever comes into your head. Try not to 'think' about what to compose or draw, "take care of business" as an extremely fruitful business visionary once said
On the off chance that you plunk down and think 'excessively hard' about your message to the world, you will likely compose a decent, engaging, instructive story, as a rule, it will be put to rhyme, however, it won't be Poetry, it will be a Story. It can at present be called verse obviously, yet this is the distinction between Poetry and Story-Telling. One gets 'through' the Soul, different originates 'from' the Mind. The Poet is taken care of from space/time/ether. The other is taken care of from encounters/recollections/collaborations. Both are substantial types of diversion and redemption of messages, yet just the Poet has the messages for our prosperity now and for what's to come
A verse can obviously be misconstrued similarly as each other composing that has ever happened, and the best case of this is 'The Holy Bible' likely the most mishandled book at any point composed. Charlatans, Do-Gooders, Narcissists, Religious Leaders/Workers are only 'a portion' of the individuals who will curve the words composed into significance what 'they wish' them to mean. In any case, Poetry, genuine verse, written in rhyme, get to our Soul legitimately with the utilization of straightforward, even youngster like stanza that our 'mind' (the guardian) we should through unhindered on the grounds that it shows up too blameless to possibly be a risk. It is then processed and turns into a functioning conviction. Some would call it Enlightenment, or an Awakening, others would call it Love. The True Meaning Of LOVE obviously, not the sentimental form, or the most well-known "Love You" toward the finish of each cell phone discussion
Love is a vitality, it makes all the beneficial things throughout everyday life and it 'must' be empowered in each human Soul if our species is to flourish now, and later on. Music, Art, Literature, Social communication are on the whole positive characteristics that keep the 'Affection Energy' moving through our Minds, our Souls, and the Ether. We do this by perusing the correct writing, tuning in to the correct music, and associating with our loved ones all the time. We likewise do this by meeting potential Love-Interests on a balanced, eye to eye premise and not through the Social Media as is common at the present time
Internet-based life, while advantageous, and truly adept at taking care of the endorphins that your Brain and your Mind CRAVE more than everything else is a thoroughly Negative idea. It fills your Brain with determined (frequently negative) messages that enter your mind, and possibly your Soul by means of the 'endorphins' that you/we Soooo want to the exclusion of everything else (Sub-Consciously). Every one of those 'likes' 'hearts' 'shares' and so forth, and so forth are ALL intended to FEED those Endorphins with whatever number negative messages as would be prudent. They are the 'Vibe Good Cookies' that we are taken care of to 'take the medication'. Recollect at school, vaccinations were regularly given with a sugar-shape? A similar guideline applies here, and Social Media ought to be treated with Sincere Skepticism
The equivalent can be said for Dating Apps/Sites where we are ALL currently straightforwardly urged to go to locate our possible accomplice/life partner/darling, instead of meet outsiders in clubs, bars, film, theater, games, and so on, and so forth. Regardless of whether you need to, in all honesty, it's an absolutely Negative Experience. It utilizes those old Endorphins once more to TRAP you into frequently negative circumstances where the final product is normally only trade of Sex
You see a profile picture 'you like', you read stuff that once more 'you like', you reach, the answer, once more 'You Like'... those endorphins are RUSHING through your cerebrum now, the fervor is building and you can hardly wait to get the chance to see the individual (face to face) however very regularly it's a finished let-down as their profile was every one of the heaps of tosh, written to convince potential 'casualties' to reach and be controlled somehow
Presently I know there are special cases to the standard and there have been numerous effective connections worked from online contact. In any case, the realities ARE that as a rule, these gatherings leave a dreadful preference for the mouth. It's one more negative experience which assaults your brain, and possibly your Soul. You become careful about everybody, you pull back, you become restless, even discouraged in light of the fact that you believe you're making the best decision, however, everything closes in tears. Once in a while, it gets so awful that Suicide appears the main way OUT of the 'Rodent Trap'. Online life was structured as the BIGGEST Rat Trap in the World and we as a whole took the lure - The Vibe Good Cookie
Let it OUT the present moment, and make it Advantageous for you. Utilize Social Media comprehending what it is, and how it's controlling all your contemplations, feeling, and activity, at that point feed it with your Positivity. Try not to respond to negative remarks, articulations, pictures, and images. Just disregard them despite the fact that it's extremely troublesome, you should teach yourself to shun taking the treat, the endorphin-surge of engaging in a discussion that is just going one way - Down-slope
Alright, you state, what's this have to do with Poetry and Poets
The Poets can take care of Social Media with their positive rhymes and in light of the fact that these can enter the brains and spirits of other online networking clients unhindered, those positive messages will be processed and live in the mind of the beneficiaries and ideally develop protection from the Negativity that proliferates all through Social Media all in all. It's not ensured, however, it's a decent beginning
To see whether You are a Poet on a fundamental level and accept you'd prefer to produce the 'Adoration Energy' to support mankind, at that point simply plunk down all alone in a peaceful zone where you'll not be upset, with a pen and some paper. Close your eyes and simply begin rehashing the word 'unwind' in your psyches' eye. Following a moment or two, open your eyes and begin doodling and composing unreservedly everything that comes into your head, regardless of what that may be. At the point when you think you've recorded all that showed up in your brain, return over everything and attempt to compose it in rhyme. You'll be astounded exactly how simple that is destined to be.
On the off chance that it appears to be excessively hard, don't stress over it. Put your musings/compositions away securely and return to it one more day. Your inner mind is an amazing partner and will go to your guide when you do it once more. Set aside 30 minutes per day in any event for this activity, yet don't make a decent attempt or all you'll get will be stories and not Poetry.
On the off chance that following a couple of days things aren't working for you, at that point sad to report, yet you're most likely not in a positive enough temper (Too much Social Media again I think) Whatever else you do, don't abandon your mission. Everybody can possibly be a Musician, Artist, Writer, or a Poet. On account of a Poet, not a Story-Teller (Writer) it is basic that you first clear your mind and permit just Positive Energy future access
Good Luck, and drive forward, it's a magnificent world which we Must Not Lose to the 'Dull powers' of Social Media and the New World Order
"Verse is the Reflection of a Long-Forgotten Soul" by Ven Bunce
Numerous individuals think the verse is simply plunking down and putting stories-to-rhyme, and sometimes that might be in this way, yet verse is considerably more than that. The verse is the out-pouring of a Soul that has ignored to the 'opposite side', has seen reality, the concealed certainties about this experience here on earth, for Humans specifically, and requirements to Warn us or Advise us about our present and our future
A Poet 'dislike' verse or artists, and dislike writing specifically. (despite the fact that obviously nowadays we likewise have computerized sound and video to help). So how does a Poet become a Poet
To begin with, a writer will consistently have an enquiring mind, a psyche that is continually searching for the reality behind all that they see and hear. They as a general rule have a 'positive' air which creates the 'vitality' that the Lost Souls can relate to, or probably they would scan capriciously for the correct personalities to use as their course. A Lucky Dip would not be a decent result
So how do these Souls enter the psyches of a likely artist? It very well may be through happenstance, a wrecked dream, dream, or essentially plunking down Doodling with a pen/pencil and paper (The favored way). Attempt it, sit and doodle, compose whatever comes into your head. Try not to 'think' about what to compose or draw, "take care of business" as an extremely fruitful business visionary once said
On the off chance that you plunk down and think 'excessively hard' about your message to the world, you will likely compose a decent, engaging, instructive story, as a rule, it will be put to rhyme, however, it won't be Poetry, it will be a Story. It can at present be called verse obviously, yet this is the distinction between Poetry and Story-Telling. One gets 'through' the Soul, different originates 'from' the Mind. The Poet is taken care of from space/time/ether. The other is taken care of from encounters/recollections/collaborations. Both are substantial types of diversion and redemption of messages, yet just the Poet has the messages for our prosperity now and for what's to come
A verse can obviously be misconstrued similarly as each other composing that has ever happened, and the best case of this is 'The Holy Bible' likely the most mishandled book at any point composed. Charlatans, Do-Gooders, Narcissists, Religious Leaders/Workers are only 'a portion' of the individuals who will curve the words composed into significance what 'they wish' them to mean. In any case, Poetry, genuine verse, written in rhyme, get to our Soul legitimately with the utilization of straightforward, even youngster like stanza that our 'mind' (the guardian) we should through unhindered on the grounds that it shows up too blameless to possibly be a risk. It is then processed and turns into a functioning conviction. Some would call it Enlightenment, or an Awakening, others would call it Love. The True Meaning Of LOVE obviously, not the sentimental form, or the most well-known "Love You" toward the finish of each cell phone discussion
Love is a vitality, it makes all the beneficial things throughout everyday life and it 'must' be empowered in each human Soul if our species is to flourish now, and later on. Music, Art, Literature, Social communication are on the whole positive characteristics that keep the 'Affection Energy' moving through our Minds, our Souls, and the Ether. We do this by perusing the correct writing, tuning in to the correct music, and associating with our loved ones all the time. We likewise do this by meeting potential Love-Interests on a balanced, eye to eye premise and not through the Social Media as is common at the present time
Internet-based life, while advantageous, and truly adept at taking care of the endorphins that your Brain and your Mind CRAVE more than everything else is a thoroughly Negative idea. It fills your Brain with determined (frequently negative) messages that enter your mind, and possibly your Soul by means of the 'endorphins' that you/we Soooo want to the exclusion of everything else (Sub-Consciously). Every one of those 'likes' 'hearts' 'shares' and so forth, and so forth are ALL intended to FEED those Endorphins with whatever number negative messages as would be prudent. They are the 'Vibe Good Cookies' that we are taken care of to 'take the medication'. Recollect at school, vaccinations were regularly given with a sugar-shape? A similar guideline applies here, and Social Media ought to be treated with Sincere Skepticism
The equivalent can be said for Dating Apps/Sites where we are ALL currently straightforwardly urged to go to locate our possible accomplice/life partner/darling, instead of meet outsiders in clubs, bars, film, theater, games, and so on, and so forth. Regardless of whether you need to, in all honesty, it's an absolutely Negative Experience. It utilizes those old Endorphins once more to TRAP you into frequently negative circumstances where the final product is normally only trade of Sex
You see a profile picture 'you like', you read stuff that once more 'you like', you reach, the answer, once more 'You Like'... those endorphins are RUSHING through your cerebrum now, the fervor is building and you can hardly wait to get the chance to see the individual (face to face) however very regularly it's a finished let-down as their profile was every one of the heaps of tosh, written to convince potential 'casualties' to reach and be controlled somehow
Presently I know there are special cases to the standard and there have been numerous effective connections worked from online contact. In any case, the realities ARE that as a rule, these gatherings leave a dreadful preference for the mouth. It's one more negative experience which assaults your brain, and possibly your Soul. You become careful about everybody, you pull back, you become restless, even discouraged in light of the fact that you believe you're making the best decision, however, everything closes in tears. Once in a while, it gets so awful that Suicide appears the main way OUT of the 'Rodent Trap'. Online life was structured as the BIGGEST Rat Trap in the World and we as a whole took the lure - The Vibe Good Cookie
Let it OUT the present moment, and make it Advantageous for you. Utilize Social Media comprehending what it is, and how it's controlling all your contemplations, feeling, and activity, at that point feed it with your Positivity. Try not to respond to negative remarks, articulations, pictures, and images. Just disregard them despite the fact that it's extremely troublesome, you should teach yourself to shun taking the treat, the endorphin-surge of engaging in a discussion that is just going one way - Down-slope
Alright, you state, what's this have to do with Poetry and Poets
The Poets can take care of Social Media with their positive rhymes and in light of the fact that these can enter the brains and spirits of other online networking clients unhindered, those positive messages will be processed and live in the mind of the beneficiaries and ideally develop protection from the Negativity that proliferates all through Social Media all in all. It's not ensured, however, it's a decent beginning
To see whether You are a Poet on a fundamental level and accept you'd prefer to produce the 'Adoration Energy' to support mankind, at that point simply plunk down all alone in a peaceful zone where you'll not be upset, with a pen and some paper. Close your eyes and simply begin rehashing the word 'unwind' in your psyches' eye. Following a moment or two, open your eyes and begin doodling and composing unreservedly everything that comes into your head, regardless of what that may be. At the point when you think you've recorded all that showed up in your brain, return over everything and attempt to compose it in rhyme. You'll be astounded exactly how simple that is destined to be.
On the off chance that it appears to be excessively hard, don't stress over it. Put your musings/compositions away securely and return to it one more day. Your inner mind is an amazing partner and will go to your guide when you do it once more. Set aside 30 minutes per day in any event for this activity, yet don't make a decent attempt or all you'll get will be stories and not Poetry.
On the off chance that following a couple of days things aren't working for you, at that point sad to report, yet you're most likely not in a positive enough temper (Too much Social Media again I think) Whatever else you do, don't abandon your mission. Everybody can possibly be a Musician, Artist, Writer, or a Poet. On account of a Poet, not a Story-Teller (Writer) it is basic that you first clear your mind and permit just Positive Energy future access
Good Luck, and drive forward, it's a magnificent world which we Must Not Lose to the 'Dull powers' of Social Media and the New World Order